BOOK in Progress: Now the Bands section:
- Old Regime: Guard of Ysbilia (DONE), Green Sleeves (DONE), Domini Canis (WIP).
- New Order: Old Purples (DONE), Yndian Venturers (DONE), Ordo Calamitas (WIP).
- Usurpers: Gaul Vanguard (DONE), Catalonian Liberators (DONE), ?
- Mercenaries: Sea Dogs (DONE), Gypsies (WIP)
As you can see we have to do a special band as Domini Canis and Ordo Calamitas, for Usurpers. So if you have any idea...
- Personalidades: Irene Vioque (DONE), Degoyito (DONE), El Embajador (DONE), Don Pedro Monte (DONE), Juliette (WIP), Pascal Le Mort (WIP), El Moro (DONE), William Coxswish (DONE), Padre Calixto (DONE), El Sereno (DONE), Nicolas Lopez (DONE), Le Garou (DONE), Guillermo Flamberga (DONE), Adrian de Rivero (DONE), Luana (DONE), Fredrick Willem (DONE), El Caballero (DONE)
As you can see we have done 2 Personalities for every band and some extra. Even El Moro and William are there as part as Mercenaries bands ( although we'll make new models for them ).
- Personalities Bands: Irene Vioque (DONE), Degoyito (WIP), El Embajador (DONE), Don Pedro Monte (WIP), Juliette (WIP), Pascal Le Mort (WIP), El Moro (WIP), William Coxswish (WIP)
- Alternative Bands: ?
This is a complete mystery. It's all in progress.
- Iberian Myths Bands: Holy Company (WIP), Saetones (DONE), Aurochs (DONE), Ogres (DONE), Malismos (DONE)
And maybe we'll do a 6th band ( to get an even number )
- Recurring Nightmares: Oricuerno (WIP), Tibicenas (WIP), Lobisome (WIP), Basajaun (WIP), Roblon (WIP), Paparrasolla (WIP), Black Hand (WIP), Witch (WIP), Nubero (WIP), Bu (WIP), Tragantia (WIP), Basilisk (WIP), Cucafera (WIP), Cuelebre (WIP)
All these will be Iberian Myth pawns which will be hired as Mercenaries for Oniric Commissions.