
Here you are some finished elements, although we will do some more.


Here you are some furniture and objects we are working on.


Added rules for Dreamlike Commissions and Recurrent Myths ( "fantasy mercenaries" ).

Only in Spanish for now.



We have implemented a new section in our forum: Test Field. Where you will be able to download some of the new additions (rules, bands...) we are testing for Dies Irae.

Only in Spanish for now.



Do you prefer that Vehicles have no crew? That way your pawns would become their crew ( The Recio you hired would be shooting the weapon, your Leader would be in the front ordering the crew what to do... ). Although in that case open Vehicles ( as charriots ) wouldn't have miniatures sculpted on it, or would be ones which wouldn't be the real crew of it.

Or do you prefer each Vehicle would have its own crew and the pawns of your bands could only be its passengers? Although in that case Vehicles would be more expensive in Maravedies and you'd have to hire less pawns for your band.

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